Micro Story: Elena

It’s raining so hard, you can’t see anything except whites everywhere. You can’t see the coconut trees, all whites.

A girl is standing in the middle of the coconut orchard, wearing a blue skirt and a white shirt. Barefoot. She’s soaking wet, scared and doesn’t know where to go.

Someone called her. She looked around but can’t find the owner of the voice that is calling her.

The thunderstorm just struck again and it echoed the entire orchard, you can feel how strong it was. It feels like the earth is going to open and swallow her. She’s frightened, lost and alone.

Elena…. Elena… Echoed a deep, husky voice.

She squinted a second when she opened her eyes, she saw a man standing a few meters away. The familiar figure is now pacing towards her.


He grabs her hand. “Let’s go, baby, come with me. It’s dangerous out here!”

Elena hesitated. She stiffened actually!

In a whisper, she said “Dad, but you were already dead!”

Posting via Daily Prompt: Echo


5 thoughts on “Micro Story: Elena

  1. Deepika December 2, 2016 / 3:07 pm

    It was a good read! I really liked the twist at the end!!


      • Deepika December 2, 2016 / 3:41 pm

        You’re welcome!! 😊


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